Such is presently the case with vinyl, better known (at least to me and my peers) as records, albums, LPs, singles and even stacks of wax. All of a sudden, my collection of tattered, beer splattered, sad and dated old records (eyes left for my favourites) are in high demand from offspring and their partners and friends.
I am asked in wide eyed wonder, if I really, truly possess an original Pink Floyd or Janis Joplin or Lou Reed? And was I actually there (alive?) when the Beatles hit Adelaide, when Status Quo rocked the Thebby, when the Beachboys turned Memorial Drive into California and when Led Zeppelin made our ear drums bleed from shattering screams and electronic feedback? So I thought I'd have a rummage and take a walk down my musical memory lane....and I'll start with the first record I ever purchased with my own money....who? Another story for another time.....